SoyPreme sheep and goats

SoyPreme® is ideal for both dairy sheep and goats and fattening lambs .
The product contains bypass protein and bypass oil. It provides a high level of rumen-undegradable, digestible protein and soybean oil, suitable for high energy and high protein rations.
SoyPreme® protects significantly the protein and oil of full fat soybeans through Maillard reaction promoting better utilisation of essential amino acids and fatty acids. This results in significantly better milk production and daily growth.

Significant benefits associated with feeding SoyPreme®:
• Improved milk yield
• Increased level of healthy PUFA in milk and meat products
• Improved FCR for fattening lambs
• Enriched meat quality with PUFA
• Milk products (cheese and yoghurt) high in healthy PUFA level, low in palmitic acid